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How is dog waste a hazard to Wilmington waterways?

Elderly woman running with her golder retriever

Dog waste is a common sight in many public areas, including parks, sidewalks and other outdoor spaces. While it may not seem like a major issue, dog waste can actually pose a serious threat to the health of our waterways and beaches, especially in areas like Wilmington, where water quality is crucial to the local economy and environment.

One of the primary ways in which dog waste can harm our Wilmington waterways and beaches is through the spread of harmful bacteria and other pathogens. When dog waste is left on the ground, it can be washed into storm drains and carried into nearby streams, rivers and other bodies of water. This can lead to the contamination of water sources with bacteria like E. coli and salmonella, which can cause illness in humans and animals alike.

In addition to spreading harmful bacteria, dog waste can also contribute to nutrient pollution in Wilmington waterways. When dog waste is left on the ground, it can decompose and release nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment. These nutrients can then fuel the growth of harmful algae and other aquatic plants, leading to the formation of harmful algal blooms and other water quality issues.

Another way in which dog waste can harm Wilmington waterways and beaches is through the introduction of invasive species. Some invasive species, like zebra mussels and Asian carp, can be spread through the transport of contaminated water or other materials. While dog waste may not seem like a likely vector for the spread of invasive species, it can still contribute to the problem by introducing new organisms into waterways that may not have been there before.

So, what can be done to address the problem of dog waste in Wilmington waterways? One simple solution is for dog owners to clean up after their pets and dispose of the waste properly. This means using a scoop or bag to pick up dog waste and disposing of it in a trash can or other designated waste receptacle. By doing so, dog owners can help to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria and other contaminants in Wilmington's waterways.

Another approach to addressing the problem of dog waste in Wilmington waterways is through the implementation of public education and outreach campaigns. By raising awareness about the impact of dog waste on water quality, local organizations and government agencies can help to encourage responsible pet ownership and promote the use of designated waste disposal sites.

Finally, efforts to improve water quality in Wilmington can also benefit from the implementation of green infrastructure practices. Green infrastructure involves the use of natural or engineered systems to capture, treat and store stormwater runoff. By incorporating features like rain gardens, green roofs and permeable pavements into public spaces, we can help to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff that enters our waterways, thereby reducing the risk of water pollution from sources like dog waste.

In conclusion, dog waste may seem like a small problem, but it can have a significant impact on the health of Wilmington's waterways. By taking steps to clean up after our pets, promote responsible pet ownership and implement green infrastructure practices, we can help to protect the health and well-being of our local waterways and the communities that rely on them.

Cleaning up after your pet after a visit to the beach can help keep Wilimington waterways clean, safe and disease free. DoodyCalls can also help you clean up any pet waste. They offer commercial services that help keep common areas clean at apartment complexes and parks, as well as residential services. They take poop seriously so you don't have to!
