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Health Resources

The Dangers of Toxic Dog Waste

Dog waste can be more than annoying and smelly – it can also be hazardous to the health of both humans and animals. That’s why it’s crucial to have a plan to regularly clear your space of pet waste. Whether you are a homeowner or a community manager, DoodyCalls has a solution for you. We offer various products and services for both dog owners and commercial properties. As part of our commitment to helping create and maintain clean and safe outdoor space, we also want to educate our customers about the potential dangers of pet waste. Thus, we’ve compiled some health resources below regarding pet waste.

Since 1991, dog waste has been considered an environmental toxin. More specifically, it’s labeled as a non-point source pollutant by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Exposure to pet waste can also lead to problems for nearby animals. Some of them include:
  • Canine Parvovirus (Parvo) – This highly contagious small virus affects the gastrointestinal tracts of dogs. Commonly referred to as Parvo, it can also damage the heart of young puppies.
  • Fecal Coliform Bacteria – This bacteria may or may not originate from feces, and measuring for this bacteria can reveal the overall contamination of water with E. Coli and other pathogens.
  • Giardia – These protozoa are single-celled organisms that live in the small intestines of their host dogs. They are highly contagious, yet dogs rarely show symptoms of an infection. They can prevent nutrients from being properly absorbed and are carried by many dogs.
  • Whipworms – These small, parasitic roundworms live in the small intestines of dogs and other mammals. They live in the small intestines and feed off the blood of the animal by attaching themselves to the wall of the large intestine.

To learn more about how we can eliminate pet waste from your property, reach out to us at (303) 963-9434 today!

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