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Frequently Asked Dog Poop Removal Questions

We’ve Got the Inside Scoop

Scooping dog poop might seem simple, yet our customers often have quite a few questions about our services. And our team is always happy to provide answers! We’ve compiled the most common inquiries below, along with our answers. Browse through our FAQ and educate yourself a bit about our dog poop removal services.

If you still have some lingering questions, our Customer Care Team is here to answer your questions seven days a week at (443) 383-4303.


  • Is your company insured?

    We sure are!  We carry workers’ compensation and liability insurance.

  • What services do you offer for communities?

    Quite a few! We can scoop poop in common areas, parks, and around sidewalks to keep common and shared areas free and clear of pet waste, and we can provide goose and deer poop removal as well! DoodyCalls also offers pet waste station installation and maintenance and can work with community managers to create and implement pet waste management strategies. Pet waste stations and bags can be purchased from DoodyCalls Direct here.
  • Why did you decide to franchise?

    DoodyCalls realized that pet owners throughout the country didn’t have access to the types of services we provide, yet so many people need them! That’s why we decided to start offering franchise opportunities. We knew there was a large demand for our premier pet waste removal services and that we would need the help of equally excited entrepreneurs to bring DoodyCalls into new communities. Our franchise offers a great opportunity for entrepreneurs to build a life for themselves while helping to make the world a bit cleaner and more sanitary. We are currently seeking motivated people to join, so if you think you’d be a good fit, visit our Franchise Opportunities page!
  • Can you clean with our dogs in the yard?

    Our team loves dogs and would be happy to clean your property with them outside as long as they are friendly and allow us to do our job unimpeded. If they aren’t as friendly or simply make our job more difficult, we would prefer if you kept them inside until our services are complete.
  • Is your service guaranteed?

    Yes - we back our pooper scooper services with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. The teams at every one of our independently owned and operated locations are very thorough and committed to making sure your property is free and clear of poop, but if for any reason you aren’t fully happy, just let us know within 24 hours of our visit and we’ll come back out to fix the problem.
  • Will you scoop goose and deer poop?

    We sure can! We are happy to help keep any kind of poop off your lawn or your community's shared areas, including parks, paths, and sidewalks.
  • Are you really the best pooper scooper service in the world!?

    We are proud to say that we truly are number one in the number two business! Here is why our customers love us and keep coming back:

    • Each location is fully insured.
    • Our word is our bond.
    • We walk each yard twice.
    • Every gate we open is carefully checked when we leave to make sure it’s closed.
    • We are extra careful to disinfect our tools between each yard.
    • Our vehicles are marked; our technicians are uniformed.
    • We give back to the communities we serve.

    To learn more about our dog waste removal services or to request a free service quote, reach out to DoodyCalls today at (443) 383-4303.

  • How do you find all of the poop?

    We have over 20 years of experience and have refined our careful process to ensure we find every bit of dog poop on your property. The diligent dog poop removal technicians at each one of our independently owned and operated locations are the cream of the crop. They are trained in the art of dog poop removal and are committed to doing a thorough job. They walk in a grid-like pattern scanning back and forth to find every dropping. When they are done, they’ll do a second walk-through. You can rest assured that our services are backed by a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
  • How frequently will you scoop my yard?

    DoodyCalls is flexible to best fit your needs! Whether you need us weekly or monthly or anything in between, we’ll be there. We also offer one-time services and special cleanings.
  • Do you remove dog waste all year long?

    Your dog poops all year long, so we pick up all year long. DoodyCalls’ services are available in winter, spring, summer, and fall! There is no temperature too hot or too cold for our team.

  • What services do you offer to homeowners?

    While poop scooping is what we are known for, we also offer a few other services. We can deodorize your deck, patio, and sidewalk to rid it of foul odors and offer brown spot treatment for areas of your grass that turned brown from pet feces. DoodyCalls also sells a variety of products, including high-quality pet waste bags and stations for community use.
  • How much does the service cost?

    Our pricing will depend on several factors. They can be as low as $12/service and go up from there depending on the size of your property and the number of dogs you have. Translation: the more poop you have, the more it will cost to remove it. DoodyCalls offers preferred pricing to regular customers and discounts when you buy our services in bulk. Give us a call at (888) 659-6558 to learn more and to get a free dog poop removal quote!

Dog Poop

  • What is the best way to dispose of dog poop?

    Two important rules of dog ownership are to pick up after them and to dispose of their waste in a responsible manner. The best way to do this is to scoop pet waste into a proper bag, wrap it in another bag, and then tie it closed at the top. You should then place the sealed bags in the garbage. Since some areas have different laws and regulations, you should check to make sure this method is allowed.
  • Can dog poop be composted?

    Though not very common, some pet owners do choose to compost their dog’s waste. At DoodyCalls, we don’t recommend trying this without the proper equipment and resources. While it is possible, it’s not easy. First of all, a large compost heap of dog poop must exceed 165 degrees Fahrenheit for five days to sterilize the waste. Many home compost systems don’t reach this temperature. And even so, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that dog waste, even when composted, should never be used on crops grown for humans.

    Additionally, dog waste can pile up much faster than it decomposes, and having high concentrations of waste in one area can seriously impact nearby soil and water quality. This could pose health risks for both people and animals. Pet waste compost heaps can be a breeding ground for disease and infection and should be avoided. Picking up your dog’s poop and appropriately disposing of it is the best way to maintain a clean and safe outdoor space.

  • Is dog waste a good fertilizer?

    It is not! Please don’t put your dog poop in your garden! Dog poop can actually harm soil and plants if it’s not promptly removed. It also can pose health risks for both animals and humans.

    Dog poop being used as a fertilizer is a common misconception, most likely born out of the idea that horse and cow manure is a natural fertilizer. But dog waste is much different and since dogs’ diets aren’t plant-based, their poop is not suitable for your flower bed.

  • What are in-ground waste digesters?

    Some dog owners may opt to dispose of pet waste using in-ground waste digesters. These efficient systems consist of a hole in the ground with a lid, and the poop is put into the hole with water and a special enzyme. Over time, the liquid breaks down the poop and it drains into the ground. Though it sounds simple, there are several things to consider before investing in one of these systems:

    • Large volumes of waste will require a very deep hole, and you may end up needing to dig new holes each year.
    • Pet waste will not digest when the temperature drops below 40°F.
    • Any non-biodegradable materials in the pet waste will not break down in these digesters. This means that you may need to remove trash and other items from the digester.
    • If your property has heavy clay soil, it may prevent proper drainage.
  • How much does my dog poop?

    Your dog poops probably more than you would wish. But to be more specific, it depends on the breed and size of the dog. The average dog poops about 1 or 2 times and eliminates ¾ lbs. every day adding up to over 5 lbs. a week and, brace yourself, over 274 lbs. a year.

Waste Management

  • Does dog waste attract rodents?

    Yes! Dog waste can be a food source for rats and other rodents. And once a few rats show up, their population can grow quickly. Rats – and the urine and feces they leave behind – can cause a number of diseases, including typhus, leptospirosis, rat-bite fever, and salmonellosis. And rats aren’t only a city problem. They can often be found in the suburbs and are difficult to get rid of.

    The presence of rodents can cause a decrease in property values of homes in the area and also lead to health concerns and problems for the local residents. Rats reproduce very quickly and need little to survive. Keeping dog waste out of our property and community is a great step toward preventing their presence in the first place.

  • Why don’t people pick up after their pets?

    Great question! There could be several reasons. Many times, left-behind waste is not the result of bad intentions. It may often be because dog owners and walkers forget to bring bags with them or run out of bags during their walk. For homeowners, they simply might not have time to scoop their dog’s poop every day. Poop scooping is a smelly and time-consuming task that many people don’t want to bother with. That’s why DoodyCalls offers pooper scooper services for homeowners and community managers.
  • What’s the scoop on dog waste DNA analysis?

    Dog waste DNA analysis is a relatively new approach to curbing dog waste that has received a mixed bag of reactions from community managers, dog owners, and the public since making its debut in 2011. To be effective, the program requires a community that is governed as a single entity (ex: association) with by-laws, declarations, and/or covenants that allow for mandated programs to be implemented and enforced, with or without voluntary participation from residents.

    The system works as follows: All new and existing dog-owning residents are required to submit a mouth swab DNA sample from their pet. A database is then created and when wayward dog waste is found on community grounds, the community manager collects a sample in a plastic vial and sends it to the dog waste DNA testing facility. Waste samples are then cross-checked with DNA records to identify the offender. Once a match is made, the community levies an assessment fee against the offending owner; typically $100 for the first offense. In many communities using this system, repeat offenders risk escalated fines and possible loss of pet ownership privileges in the community.

    Dog poop DNA testing is a new, high-tech approach to curbing community dog waste problems and, as with most new technology entering a market, it can be expensive. To properly introduce the program, every dog in the community must have their DNA collected with a cheek swab and added to a database. A fee is charged for each dog added to the DNA database. In addition, there is also typically a fee for each waste sample collection kit and an additional fee to analyze each fecal sample.

    The ultimate goal of community dog waste management is to keep residents happy while keeping dog waste off the ground. Dog poop DNA testing may be appropriate in certain applications, such as in apartment buildings where dogs are relieving themselves in hallways and elevators. In most cases, however, we believe the most effective dog waste management programs focus on education and prevention rather than punitive actions.

    Requiring every dog owner to have their pet submit to DNA testing often creates animosity and conflict between residents and their community managers. In addition, the logistics of such a program are challenging: enrollment, collection, processing, documentation, notification, tracking, pursuit, and assessment of fees.

    Above all else, a community exists to serve its residents, make their lives better, and protect property values. To prevent dog waste issues, pet owners should be educated on the positive impact picking up after their pets has on the community, and amenities such as pet waste stations should be provided to help them do just that. Likewise, most communities are best served by adopting a proactive strategy that encourages responsible behavior and communicates their stance on dog waste positively.

    In our experience, the best long-term solutions to managing dog waste are achieved when a community’s message to its residents is, “We are in this together. We are here to help.”

  • Which pet waste stations are best for my community?

    DoodyCalls offers several different models of pet waste stations and can help you find the best ones for your needs. Explore Our Products to learn more!
  • How much dog waste is in my community?

    The simple answer? A lot! But the exact amount will of course depend on the number of dogs in your area. The size of the dogs is also important. The average dog discards about ¾ lbs. of waste each day and approximately 274 lbs. every year. If your community has 10 dogs, that would result in 52 lbs. of waste each week and 225 lbs. every month. For larger communities with 100 or so dogs, there would be about 75 lbs. of poop each day and over 2,250 lbs. per month. That’s equivalent to one elephant’s worth of poop every month!

Let DoodyCalls Pick Up Where Your Pet Left Off

Get a free & fast quote now! Prices start at $12 per visit.*

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