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Let's talk about why you should remove dog waste from your Tuscon yard!

White Puppy with ball in mouth

Dog owners know how unpleasant it can be to clean up after their pets, especially in the warm Southern Arizona weather. In addition to causing an unpleasant smell in your yard, dog waste can also carry diseases and parasites that can harm your family. You can make your yard cleaner and healthier by removing dog waste from your yard. Here's why it's important to remove dog waste from your yard, what you can do and how to do it.

For several reasons, scooping dog waste is important because it contains harmful bacteria that can cause human disease. In addition to being a health hazard, poop is hard to look at and can attract insects. Finally, scooping poop from your Southern Arizona yard is good manners and shows respect for your neighbors.

There are health risks associated with dog poop in the yard

Dog poop in the yard can pose the following health risks:

• Environmental contamination – Dog feces can pollute waterways and contaminate the soil.

• Attracting pests – Dog feces can attract rats, mice, and other pests to your property.

• Creating a messy yard – Nobody wants to see or smell dog feces when they're enjoying time in their own backyard.

• The spread of disease – Dog feces can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can cause serious illness in humans.

Regularly picking up after your pet has many benefits

If your pet is healthy, picking up its waste is more beneficial to you than to them, since dog poop piles in the yard can look unsightly and attract vermin like rats and flies. If you have young children playing outside, removing pet waste is especially important.

Dog feces can contain harmful bacteria like E. coli and salmonella, which can cause serious illness if ingested. Pet waste poses more than aesthetic concerns. Even if you don't let your children play in areas where your pet defecates, wind can blow bacteria-laden feces onto surfaces where children play, or even where food is prepared or eaten. Keeping these diseases from spreading is as simple as picking up after your pet.

So why not just let nature take its course and decompose the waste? Dog feces eventually decompose, but it can take months — during which harmful bacteria may still exist. Additionally, decomposing feces release nutrients into the soil, which can lead to algae growth in nearby ponds.

You can keep your pet safe by removing dog waste from your yard, as it prevents disease and other health hazards as well as keeps pests away. Being a responsible pet owner means keeping your yard free from dog waste. You and your pup will enjoy the outdoors if you keep an eye out for messes and follow these steps.

It is important to pick up after your pet. It is suitable for the environment, your yard, and your family's health. Need help with waste management? DoodyCalls Southern Arizona can help! We're your one-stop solution for pooper scooper services. Hire our team to come to your property weekly, biweekly, monthly, or once, and we'll see how much of a difference we'll make! We go above and beyond to accommodate our customers' needs, requests and budgets. Our courteous customer service team will work with you at every stage. Visit our website to learn more.
