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What does your pet's poop mean? A simplified poop guide

Woman picking up her dog’s poop from green grass in park

We all want to get our "doody" done as soon as possible when it comes to dog waste management and cleanup....however, there are some pretty important messages that we could be missing if we don't take the time to do a cursory glance at our pet's poop.

That's right, your pet's waste can tell you a lot about their emotional and physical health, possibly saving them from more dire symptom onset. The only question is: How do you read waste?

We've put together a helpful guide to understanding your pet's poop—which can help you to give them a longer, happier and healthier life.

Read on to learn more about what your pet's poop means across a range of presentations and colors.

If your pet's poop is semi-firm, brown and formed...

This is generally a normal presentation for most pets. This can indicate health and regular motility, or the proper movement of food and substance through your pet's digestive tract. You might do a quick glance to ensure there are no foreign objects or worms in this kind of poop—but otherwise, your pet should be a-okay.

If your pet's poop is runny or looks like diarrhea...

Your pet can have diarrhea for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Stomach upset from eating the wrong foods, bad foods or foreign objects
  • Viral infections, such as parvo or coronavirus
  • Emotional or physical distress
  • Kidney or liver malfunction

In any case, persistent diarrhea accompanied by other symptoms (such as strain, vomiting or lethargy) should be a sign that your pet needs a doctor's visit. Your vet can accurately diagnose and support your pet.

If your pet's poop is pale in color or appears white...

This could indicate too much calcium in your pet's diet, or it could indicate more serious issues—such as malabsorption or liver-related concerns. A vet visit is needed to make sure that your furry friend is in good health. Alternatively, if you know your pet ate something white (such as white crayons or something adjacent), you may see coloring come through in the waste.

If your pet's poop is a shade of green, yellow or beige...

This isn't usually a cause for alarm. Poop colors can range as your pet tries new things and goes through their daily experiences. If you notice a serious or sudden shift, however, you may want to take them to be seen.

Generally, green or yellow can also indicate the presence of bile salts in the waste which could mean that your pet's GI system is a little off—or they could have just had a fatty meal.

Got waste? Call the experts

Looking for pet waste removal Kansas City? We're your top solution. Our experts have been serving the Kansas City area for years, supporting residential residences and commercial entities alike in achieving that flawless clean look for their outdoor spaces. For more information and to get started today, please connect online or call 816.296.9763. We're here to help!
