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Dog Booties: More Then Just a Fashion Statement?

By DoodyCalls

We all know that dogs are not hibernating animals – even in the wintertime, they still need regular exercise and to get out to use the bathroom. If you live in an area where snow and ice are common occurrences in the winter months, then you know how unpleasant it can be to take your pup outside during this time of the year. Whether it’s the mounds of grey tinted snow, slippery ice patches on the sidewalks, or salt-stained streets, cold weather poses its challenges for both you and your canine companion.

But, there are a few things that can help ease the afflictions of snow and ice; the main one being – you probably guessed it from the title – dog booties. More than just a way to show off your dog’s sense of style, dog boots are a practical piece in any pup’s wardrobe. Much like shoes or snow boots for humans, dog footwear provides protection, keeping their paws dry, warm, and safe.

Your dog’s paw pads are sensitive and more susceptible to the elements than other parts of their body – just like a sidewalk or pavement can be too hot in the summertime, the winter terrain can also be just as harmful. While some breeds, like the Husky and Shiba Inu, are well-suited for colder climates, this is not the case for all dogs.

Frostbite, slippery patches of ice, and harmful chemicals in ice melt are all potential hazards. Utilizing paw protection can help combat all three of these by keeping paws warm and shielded from the elements. Grippy bottoms also help to reduce the chances of your pup slipping on any slick, icy spots.

Your dog’s health is important and outdoor time should be fun – keep your pet safe and healthy on walks and when using the bathroom by calling DoodyCalls to help keep your yard clean and pet-waste free. Give us a call today at 1-800-366-3922 to get a free quote!