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How to Dispose of Dog Poop in Your Backyard

By DoodyCalls

You’ve scooped the poop, but what is the best way to dispose of dog poop in your backyard? Should you toss it in the trash? Can you compost dog poop? Is dog poop good fertilizer? Your team at DoodyCalls has some pro-tips on how to dispose of dog poop in your backyard. Here are a few of our environmentally-friendly options. 

Forget the shovel. Invest in a good pooper scooper.

Pooper scoopers come in all shapes, sizes, and prices. You can purchase them at your local pet store or online. We recommend selecting one that is durable and long. If you have several dogs, you may want to opt for a bin-and-rake-style pooper scooper.  

By making the switch, you will spend less money on poop bags and reduce your use of plastic. Plus, you won’t have to bend over for every deposit and you can keep the stink at a good distance. 

Now that you’ve got the scooper, where do you put the dog waste?

One option to consider is a waste digester. 

An environmentally-friendly way to dispose of dog poop in your backyard is a waste digester. It’s sort of like a miniature septic tank for dog poop. They can be purchased at local pet stores or online for about $40. Or, check out your favorite DIY sites to make your own! 

How it works

The waste digester is about the size of a bucket. Find a good place in your backyard to bury the container. The entire container will be buried except for the very top which is a lid. Then, each time you need to dispose of dog poop, you open the lid and toss in the poop. Each week, you’ll need to add a specified amount of water and an enzyme which will break down the waste and deposit it back into the earth.

Just remember – nonbiodegradable materials that find their way into the digester may need to be removed and disposed of.

What about composting dog poop?

Composting dog poop is an option, but be sure to read up on the proper way to do it. Since dog poop is full of live bacteria and parasites that can harm humans, you must take special precautions. The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service provides a great pamphlet on how to safely compost dog poop. Keep in mind that if you decide to dispose of dog poop by composting, it should not be used on any edible plants. 

Let’s think outside of the bin. Have you heard of worm farming?

Okay, it might sound weird at first, but worm farming is a great option for disposing of dog poop. You can even do it if you don’t have a yard! Worms feed on organic materials like cardboard, vegetable scraps, newspaper, and (ding, ding, ding) pet waste

Here are some things to keep in mind. 

  1. Be sure to place your worm farm away from any edible plants, vegetable gardens, other compost bins, or water resources. 
  2. Don’t mix your kitchen scraps into the pet waste worm farm — that’d be like putting dessert out before dinner. Do ensure you add lots of cardboard and newspaper to help balance out the rich diet of dog doo. 
  3. If your dog has recently had worms, do not add the infected poop. After deworming, wait about 2 weeks before starting back up. 
  4. If you’re already using worm farming for other compostable materials, like kitchen scraps, you’ll want to set up a separate worm bin specifically for your pet waste. This is important because pet waste compost can potentially contain parasites, fecal coliform bacteria, and pathogens that are dangerous to humans. Never use this soil on edible plants. 
  5. Never handle compost dirt with your bare hands. 
  6. You can purchase worm farms online or you can make one yourself with a bit of research! 

We hope these eco-friendly options for disposing dog waste in your backyard were helpful. If you’re feeling a bit unsure or would prefer not to handle your dog waste at all, DoodyCalls is here to help. We offer backyard pet waste removal 1, 2, or 3 times a week. We take care of the dirty work so you don’t have to. 
