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4th of July: Pet Safety Tips

By DoodyCalls

In the United States, the 4th of July is a time of celebration. We go out in hoards to enjoy the freedom of our nation, as we host parties that often include picnic food, carnival games, live music and of course, fireworks. What can be an exciting day for us, is unfortunately a stress-inducing experience for our four-legged friends.

In unfamiliar territory surrounded by new smells and noises your dog will likely be eager to explore. Always keep him, or her, on a leash so as to avoid losing your dog in the crowd. In case he does manage to escape it is always a good idea to have your dog micro-chipped and wearing a collar with your contact information. We recently came across a dog on the run and being able to find the owner’s phone number made possible a happy reunion.

As the 4th of July takes place during the heart of summer, we show up to our festivities slathered in sunscreen with a bottle of water in hand. Don’t forget to take special heat and sun related precautions for your dog as well. These tips will help prevent your dog from suffering of sun stroke.

If you’re not going to a professional firework show, but instead opting to set off a smaller light show at home, there are additional dog safety pre-cautions you should take. By observing your fireworks in the eyes of your dog, you’ll quickly

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notice that many of them look incredibly similar to their favorite types of toys. Given that, don’t be surprised when your dog wants to sniff or even bite into one. As the consequences of biting or consuming a firework are often deadly, ensure that they are stored out of your dog’s range of vision.

Whether you’re setting off fireworks at home or heading to the local park, it’s important to keep in mind that dogs are more sensitive to sounds, smells and bright lights than we are. Pet Amber Alert states that “animal control officials across the country see a 30-60% increase in lost pets each year between July 4th and 6th.” The main reason or this is that the loud noise of the fireworks exploding, disorienting bright bursts of light and lingering smell are all a bit too overwhelming for most dogs. The best way to avoid losing your pet on the 4th is to keep them at home. If you’re still tempted to take them out to enjoy the festivities with you, then keep a hold of them and make them feel safe.

From the DoodyCalls family, we hope that you, your family and your pets have a happy and safe 4th of July weekend.